
It all started when I was 6…

My mother had a Pentax A3000 and it was left unattended one late afternoon during a family vacation on Cape Cod. We were staying at “our” West Yarmouth hotel, the only hotel my father would stay at. Not because of any grand amenity or convenient location, but because it was predictable. He knew what to expect, the amount of fun that would be had, and he knew he could afford it. He isn’t big on exploring, and he definitely is not a spender. I would love to say that I picked up that camera off the center nightstand, between the two queen beds with shiny vintage patterns, and created beautiful work at age 6 like a little prodigy paparazzo. That I miraculously understood the inner workings of that 35mm and focused it just right on my mother putting on her mascara in the bathroom with her sunburnt shoulders. Or captured my little 3 year old brother wrapped up in a clean towel after his bath, my father in the background blow drying his hair. But unfortunately Pentax didn’t complete a thorough drop test on the A3000 model. My poor mother’s only camera.

What I can recollect from an early age is that I was obsessed with holding onto memories. When my parents got divorced in 1999, my father told me that there was a high possibility that we would lose the house. The house I grew up in, the only home I knew. In order to cope, I picked up a pencil and a notebook, and started sketching every room in the house with the tools that I had. I needed to preserve the memory of our wood burning stove in our sunlit family room. My bedroom at the front of the house with the bean bag and purple lava lamp. And of course, our old wooden swing set in the backyard between the two maple trees. Fast forward to 2010 when I traded in the pencil and notepad and replaced them with my very first Nikon. I went off to Art School in Boston to obtain my Bachelor of Science Degree in Photography and never looked back. Apartment #5 and the Elderly Series were produced during my time there, but after dipping my toes in all different subjects, I found I was most interested in Lifestyle work. My fiance Brandon and my rescue pup Madison are my greatest muses and the subjects of my personal storytelling. In the summer you’ll find us camping at every opportunity, and in the winter, searching for off-grid Airbnbs.